Festivity was commissioned by UNOF (De Unges Orkesterforbund/Association for Youth Orchestras) in connection with the celebration of the Orchestra Year of 2024. The piece was premiered in January 2024 by the Oslo Philharmonic together with musicians from youth orchestras.
The piece is available in three versions that can be played either separately or together.
This is the original version, written for full orchestra:

String Quartet
The version for string quartet is on a simpler level. This version also contains flexible wind parts, as well as beginner parts for strings.
Piano reduction
The piano reduction can be played by cultural school teachers or good students, either as a solo piece or as accompaniment.
Festivity Performances in 2024
27.01.2024: Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra - Oslo Konserthus
04.02.2024: Kjempeseminaret - Stavanger Konserthus
18.02.2024: Vestlandsfestivalen - Grieg Hall
18.02.2024: Vestre Aker Strykeorkester - Oslo-Lübeck 2023 - Voksen Church
10.03.2024: Småstrykerne og Bolteløkka skoleorkester - Sentralen
17.03.2024: Kjempeorkesteret with Vestfold symfoniorkester
04.04.2024: Supertorsdag med TSO - Olavshallen
07.04.2024: Spring Concert for barneorkester - Voldsløkka scene
19.04.2024: KORK+Orkesteråert - Store Studio
05.05.2024: Nordnorsk orkestersamling - Stormen Bibliotek
17.05.2024: Oslo kommunes festkonsert - Karpedammen
29.05.2024: Orkesterfest med TSO - Olavshallen